Metal Gear Solid ramblings

I mostly play Metal Gear for the story, so that’s what I’ll be focusing on right now.

Specifically: how, in my humble opinion, MGS4 screwed up. I could ramble on about the nanomachine BS and other things scrambled throughout the game, but if there was ONE thing I could change it would be the ending. MGS4 should have been the END of David’s arc. At the end, Snake should simply have shot himself through the mouth. HOWEVER, Big Boss would still be alive and well. In the epilogue, he and Ocelot (with a new, Deathlok-esque robotic arm in place of Liquid’s) would come across Snake’s body and discuss future plans. Then, MGS5 could go back in time again (since it worked so well with MGS3), except this would focus on Big Boss’ experiences between Snake Eater and the first Metal Gear game. The sixth game would explain how Snake actually killed Liquid, and in doing so restored Ocelot’s consciousness. Big Boss found him, cut off Liquid’s arm, pulled him out, and replaced his body with a fake before Otacon or the U.S. military could retrieve it (Snake would have returned to the Missouri – or whatever ship it was – on his own rather than having Otacon pick him up). Then it would be about their quest to restore their bodies to their prime (and make them immortal) and create Outer Heaven. Both would succeed, and pave the way for them to be lasting characters. In those stories, Otacon and Raiden would be the antagonists, Big Boss would serve as Snake, Ocelot would take Raiden’s role (sort of) and new characters would fill the other slots. Thoughts, anyone? Leave a comment and I’ll try to respond.